Supporting you through life's toughest moments

Honouring Loved Ones With Dignity & Compassion




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Client Overview

Estate of Grace is more than just a service – it’s your support system when life throws its hardest challenges at you. They understand that navigating the emotional maze after losing a loved one is no small task, and they’re here to make sure you don’t have to do it alone. Estate of Grace is like having a trusted friend who’s been there before, guiding you step by step with compassion, expertise, and a whole lot of heart.

Whether it’s helping you settle affairs, from estate liquidation services to packing, moving and storage, Estate of Grace is all about lightening the load during life’s most difficult transitions. Their approach? Kindness first, always. They’re not just ticking off tasks – they’re making sure every detail is handled with care so that you can focus on healing.

They provide peace of mind, taking care of the things that feel overwhelming, and they do it with grace, understanding, and a personal touch that sets them apart. When you need support, Estate of Grace is there, helping you honour your loved ones and move forward with strength.

Project Objective

To create a compassionate, user-friendly website that reflects Estate of Grace’s mission to support individuals during life's most challenging transitions. This website serves as a guiding light for families, offering them clarity and comfort when they need it most.

By designing an intuitive and informative platform, the website provides visitors with easy access to the essential services Estate of Grace offers. From estate liquidation services to packing, moving and storage, the website empowers people to feel informed and reassured.

Above all, this project is about creating a digital space that mirrors Estate of Grace’s values of empathy, dignity, and personalised care. It’s more than just a website – it’s a resource for peace of mind.

Website Stylescape Concepts

The art behind the science!

Stylescapes are like moodboards on steroids - a curated mix of images, design elements, typography and colour. Stylescapes makes communicating your idea, of your brand, to GummyBear's designers simple. How else do you communicate that you like red? Well what red? Do you mean maroon, scarlet, rose, ruby, crimson, etc.?

Why bother with stylescapes? Because first impressions matter! They provide the opportunity for every visual element of your brand to resonate with your customers, evoking the right emotions, associations and behaviours. Without them you risk mishaps, like looking like a donkey.

Check out Estate of Grace's three different branding options below - they're the same, but different!

Website Stylescape Concepts

The art behind the science!

Stylescapes are like moodboards on steroids - a curated mix of images, design elements, typography and colour. Stylescapes makes communicating your idea, of your brand, to GummyBear's designers simple. How else do you communicate that you like red? Well what red? Do you mean maroon, scarlet, rose, ruby, crimson, etc.?

Why bother with stylescapes? Because first impressions matter! They provide the opportunity for every visual element of your brand to resonate with your customers, evoking the right emotions, associations and behaviours. Without them you risk mishaps, like looking like a donkey.

Check out Estate of Grace's three different branding options below - they're the same, but different!

Final Website Stylescape

Warning, awesomeness below!

Check out Estate of Grace's final stylescape. Their carefully curated combination of images, design elements, typography and colours to communicate their brands look and feel. GummyBear may be biased, as it looks awesome!

Do you understand the design elements and how they go together?

Final Website Stylescape

Warning, awesomeness below!

Check out Estate of Grace's final stylescape. Their carefully curated combination of images, design elements, typography and colours to communicate their brands look and feel. GummyBear may be biased, as it looks awesome!

Do you understand the design elements and how they go together?

Website Content & Wireframe

Architectural blueprint of your website!

Think of wireframes as the grey and boring, yet essential, architectural blueprint of your website. GummyBear's high fidelity wireframes (rather than your sketch pad antics), use real content and appropriately scaled images, videos, buttons, etc. providing a precise and practical view of your website's layout. Additionally, functionality drives everything and the wireframe allows us to plan your website visitors user experience (AKA how they use the website), so they can find the information they're looking for, as fast as possible.

Website Content & Wireframe

Architectural blueprint of your website!

Think of wireframes as the grey and boring, yet essential, architectural blueprint of your website. GummyBear's high fidelity wireframes (rather than your sketch pad antics), use real content and appropriately scaled images, videos, buttons, etc. providing a precise and practical view of your website's layout. Additionally, functionality drives everything and the wireframe allows us to plan your website visitors user experience (AKA how they use the website), so they can find the information they're looking for, as fast as possible.

Website Design

Dressed to impress!

Website design is where the real fun begins. Once we've got the blueprint (wireframe) and the creative stylescape sorted, it's time to bring it together and make your website shine.

Why is this so important? Because design is what turns heads and keeps people coming back. It's your brand's personality, charm and charisma all rolled into one. Every colour, font, design element and image is handpicked to make your audience go "Wow!" and keep them engaged.

Think of it like this: your wireframe is the skeleton, the stylescape is the wardrobe, and now we're dressing it up for the big reveal. GummyBear's not just building a website; GummyBear's crafting an experience that's unforgettable, engaging, and oh-so-you.

Skip this step, and you risk ending up with a digital snooze fest. Nail it, and you've got a showstopper.

Website Design

Dressed to impress!

Website design is where the real fun begins. Once we've got the blueprint (wireframe) and the creative stylescape sorted, it's time to bring it together and make your website shine.

Why is this so important? Because design is what turns heads and keeps people coming back. It's your brand's personality, charm and charisma all rolled into one. Every colour, font, design element and image is handpicked to make your audience go "Wow!" and keep them engaged.

Think of it like this: your wireframe is the skeleton, the stylescape is the wardrobe, and now we're dressing it up for the big reveal. GummyBear's not just building a website; GummyBear's crafting an experience that's unforgettable, engaging, and oh-so-you.

Skip this step, and you risk ending up with a digital snooze fest. Nail it, and you've got a showstopper.

Website Development

It's alive!

Website development is where the behind-the-scenes wizardry gives life to your website design. This is where you get to sit back, fasten your seat belts, put your tray tables in the upright position, and relax as GummyBear's team of coders/developers work their magic - AKA a bunch of coding that's really boring to look at before the website's finished.

When GummyBear's done, you'll have a stunning, polished website that's ready to turn heads and steal the show. It's not just a pretty face, it's an interactive, engaging experience that makes people want to stick around and get to know you.

Website Development

It's alive!

Website development is where the behind-the-scenes wizardry gives life to your website design. This is where you get to sit back, fasten your seat belts, put your tray tables in the upright position, and relax as GummyBear's team of coders/developers work their magic - AKA a bunch of coding that's really boring to look at before the website's finished.

When GummyBear's done, you'll have a stunning, polished website that's ready to turn heads and steal the show. It's not just a pretty face, it's an interactive, engaging experience that makes people want to stick around and get to know you.

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Awards & Achievements

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Estate of Grace Social Media

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